Fields of mustard near Calgary
Sinaa the Polar Bear CubHope: The Gift of Youth
Our Murray: A WWI Love Story
Dusk to Dawn
Reflection and Resolution
Poetry and Proms
In Memoriam Henryk Gorecki
Epochs of Rock and Time
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Kings of Orient
Bring a Torch
Gabrielli's Voice
Chamber Music
Journey Through Night (string quartet)I Love to Sing (Children's Chorus)
Fundy (Orchestral Wind Ensemble)
Dusk to Dawn (Brass Quintet)
Sweetest Love (Voice + Quintet)
Rhapsodie Lyrique (Violin + Piano)
A Few Bagatelles (Wind Trio)
Orchestration / Film Scoring
In the BeginningGooby, feature film
Some People from GypsyI Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables
Farewell to Ireland